EBAT's Creative Art Therapists offer on-site or virtual arts-based trainings, professional development, and employee wellness workshops for various types of professionals. All of our trainings and workshops are arts-based and highly experiential. We will come to your facility in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. If you are outside of our area, we have virtual options as well.
For Teens or Adults Interested in a Career in Art Therapy:
• Introduction to Art Therapy
For Mental Health Clinicians
• Arts-Based Interventions for Clinical Practice for Non-Art Therapists
• Arts-Based Interventions for Integration into DBT Treatment
• Art Making for Clinician Self-Care and Processing Clinical Work with Clients
For Educators
• Trauma-Informed Practices & Social Emotional Learning (For K-12 Educators)
• Creating a Trauma-Informed School (For School Administrators)
• Social Emotional Learning in Art Education (For K-12 Arts Educators)
• Art Making for Educator Self-Care and Processing Vicarious Trauma in the Educational Environment (For All School Staff)
Inquire for Training & Professional Development Rates
Includes all materials & supplies to use during training (in-person)
In-person and Virtual Options
For More Information on Corporate Wellness Services:
A Better Way Inc
"As someone who struggles with expressing how I am feeling, I learned how impactful art can be on creating and maintaining a healthy mental health." - Workshop Participant
"I appreciated the therapeutic nature of transforming my inner thoughts to visual pieces which allowed me to approach my issues from another angle." - Workshop Participant
"The deconstructing of my original piece and then changing it to something different was impactful. I did feel a little lighter and like I have relieved some of my emotions." - Workshop Participant
"Focusing on the process of art making and not the end result, helped me to let go of my perfectionism." - Workshop Participants
"I have never thought to use art for self-care, but the workshop was soothing and healing to me. I can use art for my self-care because creating something has been helping me mentally." - Workshop Participant
"I found it fascinating to hear how each person interpreted the prompts, as well as what emotions surfaced and about their process of execution." - Workshop Participant
East Bay Art Therapy has provided trainings to the following community partners:
A Better Way Inc.
Bay Area Mental Health
The City of Berkeley
East Side Union High School District
Home Rise SF
Mentis Napa
National Student Leadership Conference
Oakland Public Education Fund
Oakland Unified School District
PAX Therapy and Family Services
Santa Clara County Office of Education
Serene Pathways Counseling
Solano County Office of Education
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Please contact us with any questions or to schedule a free consultation.
55 Santa Clara Ave, Suite 220, Oakland, California 94610
(510) 373-9932 Fax: (510) 902-7640 Contact@EastBayArtTherapy.com Link to Client Portal: https://eastbayarttherapy.clientsecure.me (For Existing Clients Only)
Copyright © 2018 East Bay Art Therapy - All Rights Reserved.